Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Southernmost Point in the US




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South Point (Ka Lae) on the southernmost point on the Big island of Hawaii and is,in fact, the southernmost point in the United States. It is an extremely windy place as you can tell from the first picture.We passed 2 wind farms with giant windmills on the road to the point, although one was apparently closed. The wind and confluence of ocean currents here make it a favorite fishing spot for locals. Locals lean out from ledges, dropping their lines into the water far below.The water here is too dangerous to swim in and the currents here were named for a Hawaiian chief (Halaea) who was carried off in the currents.
The currents deposit a lot of marine debris on the area and it is very difficult to remove because of inaccessibility of the site.This debris can be a hazard to wildlife like monk seals and hawksbill turtles that frequent and nest on the site. We did not see any however,and if there was marine debris there I could not see it. Those cliffs are really high. And beautiful.
The South Point Complex is probably the original landing site of the first people who came to Hawaii. The island is the closest land fall from Tahiti and South Point the closest on the island. Archeological evidence dates occupancy to about 124 AD. Early Hawaiians drilled holes in the rock ledges and attached long ropes to their canoes so that they would not drift away in the currents.

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