Saturday, January 30, 2010

Agave attenuata in Hawaii

This plant caught my eye immediately. I saw several blooming in yards. This is Agave attenuata and the flower stalks reach 8-10 feet tall. It has several common names that elude to the curved flower scapes. It certainly looks like an Agave, but unlike most Agaves the leaf tips do not end in a spine. It also has the common name of soft agave. i though there were so stunningly beautiful That i immediately wanted one. Unfortunately they are only hardy to zone 9, and turn to mush at the least bit of frost. these plants are too large and beautiful to trap in a pot, so i will just enjoy them from afar.

Plantlets may form on the flower stalk and
you would think this might produce enough plants to reduce the price in the trade. but you would be wrong. they are rare and very expensive.
They originated in Central Mexico, but even there they are rare.
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