Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reusing Last Year's Wreaths


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With all the talk about the economy and saving money, I wanted to show what ole' skin flint did this year. Last year I received two stunning evergreen wreaths. After the holidays I hung one on the garden fence post, and covered and kept the other one in the attic till this year. After a year in the elements, the one on the garden post was beginning to show its age when viewed up close. But at a distance it still looked good to me. I spiffed it up with a little green spray paint and added a red bow. The one that spent the year in the attic was in better shape and white spray pant over it lightly made it quite attractive with a red bow and some Jackson smilax.I don't know how many more years these will last, but for this year, it looks pretty. I am thinking about digging out a can of spray snow and touching the greenery with it. Then again, maybe not.

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