Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hebetude and Gallimaufry

I subscribe to Word of the Day. Recently there have been several words that really interested me. Sometimes you can learn a word and its definition but still not understand it. Hubris is such a word for me.
Hebetude is mental dullness or sluggishness. Is that the way you feel when you are rolled up in a soft warm blanket with your eyes closed in front of the idiot box? Or is it caused by sitting in the early spring sunshine, leaning against the barn door? It might be caused by being so tired you can't think. I think a lot of the email fwds I get are generated and passed on by people with this condition. Not that there aren't good ones.I recently got one of pictures of the Northern Lights that really piqued my interest. But they are like handsome princes, I guess. You have to kiss a lot of toads.
Gallimaufry is a hodgepodge or confused jumble. Maybe gallimaufry causes hebetude. Or are they related some other way?
This causes me to want to rusticate, to find solace in my place in the country. I just hope the internet can reach me there.

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