Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Squirrels Teach About Entropy

Judging from the number of squirrels I have seen this year, there must be a population explosion. But the problem, if there is one, may take care of itself. A great number I have seen were playing chicken with cars and the rest were flattened. They used to annoy me by spilling the seed out of the bird feeder and then jumping down to scoop up double handfuls to stuff in their greedy little mouths. I have a feeder now that pretty well thwarts their ambitions on my birdseed. It is a completely metal feeder. The top lid slides open to fill the feeder and the sides are made of chain link that allows the birds to peck out the seeds but presents a real problem for squirrels. They still check it, but it is not the banquet it was for them. I like seeing them, I just do not want to have them carry off my seed.
This is also the time of year when the pecans start falling and the squirrels dig up a lot of my potted plants trying to hide their nuts. I have to check my plants outside every day and replant the ones they dug up. Next spring they will be at it again, trying to find those pecans they planted. I have tried several cruel tactics that did not work at all or not very well. They are too smart for have-a-heart traps.
I think the best plan is just to try to live with them and accept a few losses. Just as all the dust cannot be removed from a house, or every bean picked and canned, or every hair kept in place, it seems to me that the search for perfection causes more trouble than it is worth. Entropy is going to triumph, and you better get used to it.

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