Monday, September 28, 2009

Spiranthes:Twisted Ladies Tresses


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These native orchids have been blooming in my yard for at least a week. I have one directly in front of my front steps. That may be a testament to the fact that the front door is seldom used. I prefer to think it arrived there so as not to be missed. It is the biggest and prettiest of the dozen that are blooming in my yard. They are growing right out there is the zoysia and the centipede, enjoying the sun and not bothered at all by the grass. These are hardy plants. I have no idea how they came there. I have often seen this orchid growing along the roadsides here in Southeast Alabama. Next spring the pointed leaves of the basal rosette will appear when I am busy with my spring and summer gardening. The leaves die back and late in the summer or early fall the flower stalk shoots up seemingly overnight.
If you drive slow enough along the less traveled roads, you may see the ladies tresses in the grass in full sun. They are small though, so you have to keep a sharp eye out and go slow.
I am not attempting to give this Spiranthus a last name because there are quite a few that are native to this section of the country. but you can enjoy them and just call them twisted ladies tresses.

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