Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Myan Gold


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I got this plant about early June, I think. It has been in bloom for all but a short time since I got it. It's scientic name is Tecoma stans and this is a new release this year called Myan Gold. It is a tropical shrub in areas without frost, but I bought it as an annual. It is said to grow easily from seed. I have not had any seed set yet, but if I do I will try to plant them. I may also try taking a cutting or two. I plan to keep it in the greenhouse over winter.I would like to try bedding it out in the ground.It loves the heat and humidity of summer and it is always good to find something not bothered by our Alabama summers. Other names for this burst of good cheer are Trumpetbush,Esparanza, and Yellow Elder.

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