Thursday, August 13, 2009

Computer Troubles

I have been having computer troubles for about 2 weeks, and since I have only rudimentary knowledge of computers, I have to rely on someone else to fix it when something goes wrong. I got a Trojan horse which slowed my computer to a very disagreeable degree. Additionally, I kept getting these message that said I had a virus and to go to a website to get the protection. At the website they asked you to pay $40 and I am sure if I had paid it all I would have gotten was $40 less in my pocket. Hiram was eventually able to fix it, but it took several hours. He had to reinstall Windows twice before he got it fixed. He also had to download all the updates from Microsoft for Windows as many of these updates close loop holes that a virus can get into.
Long ago Hiram suggested that I get an external hard drive, and all but the most recent photos had been downloaded to that hard drive. I eventually got a CD burned with the last pictures on it and he scrapped everything else and started over.
In the process of fixing my problems, I found out several pieces of information as Hiram grumbled along on the repair. First, Macs almost NEVER crash. They also last for years and years, unlike PCs which last 4 or 5 years for me. Secondly, Macs almost never get viruses. This is probably because PC's control about 85% of the market and it is just more fun for hackers to mess with more people. There is also a contention that viruses do not even exist, but rather are some sort of malfunction.I don't know enough about that to discuss so I am just mentioning it in passing. If you know more, please post.
So... maybe next time I have to get a computer, I am thinking of trying a mac even though they cost more. The extra cash might be worth the aggravation I feel when trying to deal with all these problems.

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