Thursday, July 2, 2009

Copperheads on the Move

A few days ago in the early evening before dark, Dora announced to me that she had found something I needed to take a look at. I could tell by her bark that it might be a snake. I found her prancing around just out of striking distance of a 2 foot copperhead. To tell the truth, I had trouble seeing it even with Dora pointing the way. The camouflage on copperheads is incredible. This is the second one Dora has pointed out to me and it is equally hard to see in grass or dry leaves.
I ran to get the hoe which I had turned into a weapon by a friend who sharpens tools. I never use a regular hoe for anything except snake disposal. I use a hinged hole in the garden because it cuts in both directions and allows the weeds/grass to be severed just below the soil.A nice dry soil mulch is left on top of the soil.
An internet search revealed that the snake was probably looking for a meal of cicadas, which are in much abundance around my house. I never had thought of snakes eating insects before. Although I have observed them being attacked by hordes of what appeared to be chiggers.
After I dispatched the snake Dora wanted everyone to see her prize so she dragged it all around the yard and tossed it in the air as high as she could. She knew she had done good!
I just hope no more of his friends or relatives are around.
And for all you snake lovers out there, I do not go around indiscriminately killing snakes. If I find them in the woods or fields, I just give them a wide birth. I do not bother them in their homes. But if they invade my home space--WATCH OUT!

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