Monday, June 8, 2009

Farm Stories

Jack Busby had planted a sweet potato patch and it was time to dig those beautiful potatoes .He looked out the door and saw the pig in the sweet potato patch. That pig was rooting up those sweet potatoes and eating them just like…well- a hog! The pig was almost out of sight as it joyfully pushed further and further into the soil till only its rump was sticking up. Jack was so inflamed at the pig that he raced to the potato patch screaming “How long you been in here?” as he planted a number 12 in the pig’s behind. The pig launched forward screaming “Weeeek”.

Jack was trying to plow with a stubborn mule, who wanted to rest in the shade instead of plow. Jack would set the plow and swat the mule with the lines, but the mule just stood there. Eventually the mule looked back at Jack with its tongue sticking out, just a little to show his disdain. Jack was hot and tired and wished he were in the shade himself. He flung the lines down and ran in front of the mule, grabbed the mule’s tongue, and bit it.

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