Sunday, May 31, 2009

Grass Cutting Ruminations

I've never really liked cutting grass, although I do admit that using a riding mower takes several strenuous hours off the job. Given my preferences though, I would prefer to doodle around in the flower bed. The only real good reason for cutting grass is to keep snakes at bay.A fellow I used to work with long ago said snakes were scared of lawn mowers. I found it amusing and wondered how many snakes were in his sample. I suspect it is not lawn mower phobia that keeps them out of the yard, but short grass that is not as easy to hide in. Mice like taller grass, too.
Saturday evening about dusk I was cutting a little grass and I thought it was just delightful. The gardenias had perfumed the air and the lightning bugs were out in good numbers. I suppose my cutting may have stirred them up. It is a good time for sitting on the porch and smelling gardenias and thinking about all that is right with the world.

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