Wednesday, April 29, 2009


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I guess you can see I like irises. They are such wonderful hardy plants. I have dug and pulled them up for replanting and left them lying in a heap for weeks, but when I got back to them they were as good as ever. Don't bury the corms; they should only be partially covered. O! The fragrance of the flowers! I love just walking by and getting a whiff of them. They seem so fragile and delicate, but they are really very tough. You can't ever have too many irises. I just wish they lasted all summer.
Aunt Thelma had some yellow ones that grew on the south side of the house and they started to bloom in December. The small whites are the oldest variety and are usually found blooming around old home sites before their hybrid cousins have even budded.

On another note, here is an interesting link
It is about... well it is hard to tell exactly what it is about. Check for yourself.

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