Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm back! I hope.

I have been lax on my posting and have missed about 2 weeks in posting. Seems like I think about it more than I post, so I hope to reform. I am making a trip to the Mountains next week so I hope to get a few postings written before I go. The income tax I was complaining about has still not been done but I did ask for an extension, so I am not in the doghouse (yet) on that account. There have been so many beautiful things blooming and greening up (not to mention my 2 feet tall grass)in the past ten days that I have just stood back in awe. I have seen so many beautiful Grancy Graybeards blooming. I took a picture of mine when I thought it was at peak, but since this picture it has gotten even whiter. I hope the rain predicted today goes not destroy it's bloom. But if it does, there will be countless other wonders to replace it.
The fuschia Azalea beside the Grancy is Pride of Mobile. We got two as rooted cuttings under Miss Dimple's bush more than 20 years ago. Miss Dimple is remembered for her strong Christian life and the hummingbird that nested in her porch fern. These azaleas have persisted in this dry spot and grown bigger every year. I do water them in exceptional dry spells but they nearly always make a good show.

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