Sunday, March 1, 2009

March First Snow in Alabama




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What a wonderful day. I woke up to a light coating of snow/ice on the ground. I rushed out and took a few photos because I was afraid it would vanish quickly as it does in Alabama zone 8. What was falling at that time was little balls of ice that looked exactly like styrofoam. But it soon changed to real snow and for a time was falling in clusters.
Every thing looked soooo beautiful, and any way I pointed the camera it was just wonderful.I snapped a bunch of pictures to please myself before the wind and cold drove me back inside.
The cardinals have been at the feeder all day getting those sunflower seeds. There are at least 3 pair and they seem very quarrelsome and do not like to share. They only take a peck or two before they have to flit off and annoy someone else. I remember when we were children, my brother would set bird traps on the ground. Perhaps he was trying to trap quail, but often redbirds would get in the trap. They loved the corn he baited it with. Usually those red birds gave him a good peck and twist for his trouble before he could get them out.
It seemed like a good day to goof off and do some of the things I never have time for, so I have been reading magazines (not anything with any redemptive value), napping, and making some crafty things. You know I never can just make one of anything. I get started and can't stop.
Dora has been in her bed all day. She does not like the cold weather and has only come out when I called her. She was favoring her back leg, and I wondered if the cold had made the break from last year ache.
Thank you, God for this wonderful day!!

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