Sunday, February 1, 2009

What the Preacher Said and What I Thought

The scripture for this morning's sermon was Numbers 13:30-33. This is the incident where Moses sent a dozen men into the country to scout out the land. When they returned,10 of the scouts said they could not take it, but 2 scouts, Caleb and Joshua, said they could take it. The preacher talked about how pessimism paralyzes us. It's the old familiar tune of the little train that thought he could, and Dr.Peale's Power of Positive Thinking.
The hymn that I liked best from the service was Great Is Thy Faithfulness. "There is no shadow of turning with thee. Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me". This is not about my being faithful to God, but rather His faithfulness to me. Even when I turn aside, his interest in me does not waver. He remains faithful to himself and to me.
I am braver than I used to be. Age has given me the benefit of a lot to look back on, and what I see there mostly is how fortunate I am and how faithful in his care he has been to me. Most of the things I fretted over in the past did not even leave a wrinkle in my brain. My face is another matter.

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