Monday, February 9, 2009

The Power of Prayer

I believe that prayer is the most important tool we have in making our way through life. The power inherent in prayer is the greatest force that exists in the universe.Most people are familiar with prayer as a way to communicate with God. But most people do not think of it as a two-way street, that is that God might communicate with humans through prayer. Even though I am certain of the power of prayer, I mostly act like I don't believe it. It is almost unbelievable that God would grant to any person that will accept it unbridled access to divine power. Prayer puts us in direct contact with the power of God.
Of course this does not mean that prayers are always or even frequently answered in the way I envision. In fact, it seems like the opposite might be true- God usually works things out in a way that I never would have guessed possible.
I am not implying that prayer is a magic sword either, or if it is, sometimes it cuts backward. Often the effect of prayer is not an external change at all, but an internal change in the pray-er. It might be a change of mind that results from a different view of the situation.
James 5:16 says that the fervent prayers of the righteous have great effect. It begins to appear that more is involved than just telling God our thoughts and desires. We must be righteous also. I believe this means desiring to be in communion with God and being willing to follow whatever direction God gives. I know I am on shaky ground here, because I am getting mighty close to saying that God speaks to individuals. Yes, I think he does. God has spoken to me, not in an audible voice, but a voice I heard inside my head. And there was no confusion about who the speaker was. It was not something I would have ever come up with, but it turned out to be a good thing.
I am suggesting that what we need more than anything else is to access God's power through prayer, no matter what it takes. It might turn out that what we need is contentment. The whole step ladder could be eliminated, cut out all the money, fame, and respect and go straight to the top: contentment. This is beginning to sound a lot like eastern philosophy. So I leave it there. You go figure it out for yourself.

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