Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Partridge Berry?

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This sort of looks like a partridge berry, except the leaves are not round as in the ones I am familiar with in the woods. This might be an Asian one, but that is only a guess. I found this on the Rhododendron Trail at Calloway Gardens. If you know what it is, please let me know.
this one has more berries than any partridge berries I have ever seen. See a picture of our native partridge berry here. They tend to produce few flowers and fruit, grow best on slopes where they can slough off the leaves that fall from the trees that give them summer shade. Another interesting thing about our native partridge berry (Mitchelli repens) is that although it produces two flowers, both flowers require polination for fruit set. After pollination, the ovaries fuse and one berry is produced. The plant is technically a shrub, although to the casual observer it might appear to be a vine, rooting as it slowly grows along the ground.

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