Sunday, January 11, 2009

Full Moon Tonight




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The Moon is full tonight and I hope you got outside to take a look even through it was pretty cold. The cold clear skies made excellent moon viewing weather. At one point I almost thought I saw a ring around the moon, but each time before I could focus on it it disappeared, so I can't be sure it was there. If you missed it tonight, tomorrow night should be as beautiful.
The photos are my feeble attempt to take picture of the moon with an automatic camera. Even though they look nothing like what I saw tonight, they are interesting. And eerie.
The first two have a vague underwater feeling, maybe something like from the poem The Highwayman..."The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas".
The last two were caught with a flash and the oak limbs and twigs are clearer, interesting in a different way.

1 comment:

  1. Crystal your photographs are wonderful. The comparsion of the ones shot with the flash vs without are very interesting. The moss on the oak tree adds so much to the picture. Thanks for sharing.

