Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Having arrived safely for the most part, at the end of the year, the general consensus is that we should all take stock of where we are and where we are headed, and make course corrections as seem appropriate. I guess this is okay, although I have always favored making more timely corrections as I go along and as I see what is needed. I seldom make New Years' resolutions as I try not to promise things I know I can't deliver or do not intend to deliver.even to myself.
When I was a child many members of my family smoked. It was frowned upon by the wiser family members, and one day my favorite aunt said to me, "You're not going to smoke when you grow up, are you?" I was caught. I had already decided that I probably would smoke and I did not want to lie to Aunt Thelma. I said the only thing I could:"Well, I don't know. I might." Time passed and I did smoke for many years. My opinion of trying to coerce the righteous answer has not changed.
So, although I know I should go on a diet, improve my posture, exercise more, keep my house cleaner, etc, I probably will not. I could make some resolutions I might keep, like eat more candy and cookies, leave the beds unmade more often, and eat out more often. (Why is it that everything relates to food?) But then, that wouldn't be fair, would it?

Happy New Year!!

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