Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hot Stickey December Weather

This hot sticky weather in December is about to get on my last nerve. This is yukkier than August.
Dora thinks since it is so warm it is her duty to chase armadillos and bark all night. I try to shut her in as soon as it gets dark, but she sometimes sneaks out before I know it. I am afraid that her barkey little mouth just announces to coyotes where she is. I have always thought to live your life in fear is a pitiful existence. She is certainly not fearful of the dark or what lurks there. But I think what she does is lacking in good judgment, equivalent to walking down a dark alley. One evening in December I heard her barking on the porch and opened the door to hear two packs of coyotes howling, one in the back, and one in the front.
Time is sliding on down toward Christmas and I have not done half the things I usually do to get ready for Christmas. I guess I need to work on my attitude. It's not that I don't feel Christmasy as much as it is a feeling of being sucked down a tube at great speed so that I can't stop myself or focus on anything before it is gone.
maybe the weather is to blame.

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