Friday, December 12, 2008

Gumbo Limbo Tree

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This is a Gumbo Limbo (Brusera simaruba) tree and is a new one I learned on my last trip to Florida. Another name for it is Tourist tree so named because of it's red peeling skin. This tree is a living fence post where it occurs. A branch stuck in the ground roots readily. Haitians use it to make drums,its resin can be used to make water repellent coatings and incense.It is semi-deciduous (where have you heard that word before?) in winter and blooms in winter also. Unfortunately I guess I was a little too early for blooms. It is said to make a nice shade but not when the leaves are mostly gone. This may be something only a plant person could be interested in.

1 comment:

  1. are there many trees that produce resin???
    pine, gum, gumbo limbo, ......... others?

    Many trees produce resin. Frankincense and myrrh are two famous examples, and of course amber is fossilized resin.Remember that picture I posted earlier of my plum tree after it was cut? It had big blobs that ran out of what I suspected was the borer holes.
