Monday, December 8, 2008

Deciduous Holly

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Just in time for Christmas- deciduous holly. Deciduous means it drops its leaves in winter. But it does not drop it's eye popping berries. I suppose the birds eat them in spring after they have fermented a bit, in the same way that birds enjoy regular holly berries about March. If I can remember, I am going to keep an eye on this one and see when the berries disappear. This tree is on US 431 between the Hinkle farm where the pecan trees line the road and before the passing lane when headed toward LaFayette. This tree grows in a hedge row and is in the end near the road. I first saw it one fall about 15 years ago. I stopped and collected a few seeds for germinating, which none did. In the passing years it has grown from a scraggly twig to the beautiful thing in this picture. If it were mine I would cut the other bushes away from it though.

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