Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Thoughts

Whatever your thoughts on the winner of the presidential election, you have to admit that McCain was gracious and positive in defeat, and O'Bama was also gracious while acknowledging the problems that lie ahead. Those problems would still be there no matter who won. It is easy to blame the current administration for today's financial mess but the wheels may have already been in motion. Only hindsight will elucidate those answers. My daddy had a philosophy about politics that I still come back to again and again. He said if they were not rotten when they went in, they would be when they came out. His solution to this was obvious: if they are in, vote them out.
What I find amazing here is the peacefulness of the process. In spite of horsey rhetoric, when the winner is announced, people may go away mad, but they go away. They do not stage protest rallies and shoot people. Pretty soon things settle back into the antagonism that makes our system work. That is why it is good that the Democrats did not get a filibuster proof congress. Compromise forces people to think, and hopefully they will do that with the common good in mind.
I am happy to live in a land where Hope exists no matter who won. I am proud of our people who still feel that "one of us" means more than being either a redneck or an intellectual.It means trusting someone different from us who seems to have the country's best interests at heart.
I wonder if someone will listen now and stop wasting money on that stupid fence between the US (that means us) and Mexico.

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