Friday, November 21, 2008

Chipmunk Holes



The chipmunks are about to take over . All through my flower beds there are holes and some of them are quite large. I see them racing about. Dora seems them,too, and she tries her best to get one. She did once that I know of. They are cute and I used to like them a lot more than I do now. I have started to blame them for any plant troubles I see. I wonder if they are the reason I had a half dead pomegranite bush this year and no fruit. Did they dig under the roots and cut too many of them off? I did a wee bit of checking and found out that Chipmunks are opportune eaters, that is they eat whatever does not eat them first. According to what I read, this trait can be turned against them by baiting rat traps with peanut butter. Don't set the trap at first and get them used to it, then when you set it you should get one. All the other remedies seemed like they might wind up poisoning Dora. I have not done anything yet, except wish they would move on or not multiply so fast. She might get in a rat trap,too, or get it caught on her little foot.
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  1. tergusIf you look closely down the single hole, you can see a fat little monk singing "Na Nanny Poo Poo".

  2. If you look closely down the single hole, you can see a fat little monk singing "Na Nanny Poo Poo".
