Saturday, October 25, 2008

What's blooming now: Sasanqua



I have had this bush for about 15- 20 years. It rewards me for leaving it alone with these beautiful light pink blooms every fall. When I planted it, I never envisioned it would be a tree, which goes to show that before you use a plant for a foundation planting, you should check on the size it will be when mature. Although even when you know it can be hard to visualize. But I am not sorry anyway. I planted it beside the porch and especially this time of year when it blooms, I think of my friend who was with me when I purchased this. I think how our friendship has grown sturdy and beautiful through the years, just like this Sasangua. A lot of my plants bring to mind dear friends.
I prune this after it completes it's bloom (if I remember to do it on a sunny warm day). That's about it. My dogs through the years have found a wonderful respite from the heat in the cool earth under it's shade. Brown Thrashers also like to scratch and pluck through the debris that accumulates under the bush. I wonder what is so wonderful under there?
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1 comment:

  1. The most beautiful of all plants and don't they bloom at a perfect time?
