Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Strawberry bush or Hearts-a-Busting

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I have had several mentions of Eunonymus americana lately, so I decided to add a bit more info than I did in the last post of this shrub.It is a thin shrub with green stems but this time of year it is very unusual looking with it's upside down baskets of strawberries. Hearts-a-busting with love is another moniker for this native shrub. I think it is well worth growing even if you do have to protect it from deer.
If you want to grow it from seed, the seed should be planted outside as soon as they are harvested.They require both a cold and a warm period to germinate and this is done easiest by letting Mother Nature take over.
If you want to try cuttings, take softwood cuttings in July/August, stick several in a pot and keep moist. They root like a house afire.
It is native to practically every state east of the Mississippi as well as Texas and Oklahoma.

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