Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Niagara Falls in Early October

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Having just returned from my first sight of Niagara Falls, I can tell you it is a powerful sight. I know everyone who has ever been there has returned with photos approximately or exactly like mine. The first picture shows the power of the river and the event horizon as the water rushes out of sight. The second picture shows the Lady of the Mist ploughing her way into the spray created by the fall. I was freezing even though I had on most of the clothes I had taken along. The wind was terrific and the dampness and temperature in the 40's made for misery for someone who had just left a sweaty southland. Even though these pictures can't do justice to the sight, maybe they will remind you of what you have seen or make you want to see it.
The last picture is of the American section of the Falls. Altogether not nearly as impressive as the other side-the horseshoe part of the falls.
I had the most expensive breakfast there I ever had $21+, but gee, the view was beyond compare. So, if you go, take a wheel barrow full of money or just do what we did: see the free stuff. A walkway stretches along the river and that is the best view of all. Some motels and restaurants also provide a bird's eye view that can be enjoyed without paying. The evenings have a light show of both falls and it is quite beautiful, although I think the plain white lights may have been best.
Over the next few days I will be regaling you with some of my favorite things from a great trip.

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