Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Gardens of Niagara Falls

These white flowers are fall blooming anemones. I tried these a couple of times but each year when the flower stalks shot up some larvae proceeded to chew them to nubins. So I was pleased to enjoy these. These are much larger than my plants ever got, but mine were pink. What I saw of them.

These 2 pictures are of a Clerodendrum tree. It was very fragrant, and I was glad to meet it in person. Steve Thomas told me he had one that I assume is like this or similar and he reported it as invasive. I know that Clerodendrum bungei, the rose clerodendrum, is very invasive. I made the mistake of planting it several years ago and have been trying to keep it sprayed out with roundup ever since. It also smells bad to me. Maybe I will post a picture of mine one day and label it the Monster that Devoured the Understory.
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