Sunday, September 21, 2008

Parable of the Laborers

Today’s sermon text was the parable of the laborers hired at different times of the day and then all paid the same wage. I used to think this parable was all about going to heaven and that all those who confess that Jesus is Lord will get there no matter how long they have worked for the kingdom. Now I see it a little differently.

This parable is about having our individual needs met on whatever plane is appropriate. When my children were small, I wanted to treat them even handedly, but that turned out to more difficult than it might at first seem. Sometimes one wanted/needed a toy; sometimes a hug was what was called for. It was a thing requiring constant adjustment, and sometimes I did the wrong thing. However, God does not make those mistakes. He always knows what we need, whether it is money, material goods, praise, love, etc. and can supply the right thing at the right time. It should be remembered that just as our time is not on the scale of the divine (who can really grasp infinity with no beginning or end), it does not matter how long we labor, as long as our needs are satisfied.

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