Friday, September 5, 2008

Old Houses

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I am interested in abandoned houses and often wonder why they were abandoned. Did the ravages of time make the structure unsafe? Did the people who lived there get a chance for a better more modern house? In the top picture you see a fireplace in the other room which has been partially torn out. Maybe there was a heater in that fireplace and the brick was dislodged when it was removed. In the lower picture notice how wide those floor boards are. You don't get to choose lumber like that for flooring anymore but those must have come from some fine trees.

1 comment:

  1. when i have been in some old houses, long abandoned, the remaining things
    like trash, or chairs, or old clothes
    seemed to make stories.
    it's interesting about the dynamic of letting a house
    deteriorate, in view of how many people need a place to live.
    i guess it happens more often in rural areas, where access is part of the situation.
