Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hearts a-Busting

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This shrub grew in the "natural area" of my yard for several years. Between the dense shade and the munching deer, it never made any hearts to bust. About 4 years ago I moved it out of the woods so it would get a bit more sun and put a cage around it. Since being protected from deer, it has bloomed every year and made seed. It is a deciduous shrub (drops leaves in winter) but its stems remain green. It will grow to 6 feet tall if it has a chance and this one is about that size. The cage does not detract much to my thinking as it fades back into the twigginess of the branches but you can see it in this picture. This shrub is native to the southeast, is drought tolerant, but also will live in moist soil. I give mine no pampering except to try to keep the deer off, and it rewards me with cream blooms in the spring and these fruits in the fall. It is a loose open shrub so looks best in a natural area.


  1. Found one of these in my yard this year. In all my 84 years I had never seen this plant. Thanks of the ID. Saint Francisville, La.

  2. Love this plant! My Dad gave me one from the home place before he passed away and I treasure it. It blooms its heart out and is showing off the fall fruit now. So far the deer have been respectful of it and dine on the hostas. Lois Kingsport, TN
