Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fox tail grass


These grasses of late summer are fondly known to me as "Tickle Tail". As children we would tickle each other with them or pretend that they were worms. Running, laughing, and screaming followed. The best accepted name I have come up with is Fox Tail. I thought Fox Tail had a much larger plume, but for now I will let this name stand. (If you know what this is, let me hear from you.)They bloom in late summer and early fall and for me signal the changes that are coming. The crickets song and a fist full of these lovely stems make for happy nostalgia
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  1. You do this, you do that
    You argue left, you argue right
    You come down, you go up
    This person says no, you say yes
    Back and forth
    You are happy
    You are really happy

    - Ikkyu

  2. You do this, you do that
    You argue left, you argue right
    You come down, you go up
    This person says no, you say yes
    Back and forth
    You are happy
    You are really happy

