Saturday, August 23, 2008

Meet Dora the Explorer.She is a chihuahua (obviously). When she came to me she had another name, Ladybug. But because of her personality, I changed her name. She loves to explore out in the edge of the woods and into the deep grass. That is, she did, till she was bitten by something (coyote, fox?) . Whatever it was she was so terrorized that she stopped being quite so brave. I think she is lucky to be alive, and she was as frightened as I would have been had a dinosaur chased me.
She has been having some trouble with being housebroken (I keep her on the screened porch, but I don't want her messing up there either.) I had taken to the time honored tradition of pushing her nose in it and tossing her out. One day I had watered the plants on the porch and made quite a large puddle on the floor. I saw her when she saw the puddle and could see her alarm. She must have thought "Oh boy, I am in it now". She slowly went over and sniffed the water, then seemed to relax.
Animals are such fun creatures.

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