Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alabama in August

Lest you forget, this is Alabama, this is August, and summer is not over yet. The soaring humidity left over from the recent rains generated by Hurricane Fay, is enough to melt a Greek statue. Even the dog has given up chasing the squirrels. She stretches her belly against the cool concrete and is thankful. The squirrels are swinging in the swamp dogwood , feasting on berries and shaking a rain of plums off the slow plumb tree. The rain brought up an abundant crop of mushrooms of every sort. I have seen several fairy rings the last few days.

It’s best not to move too fast in this weather. Do what you can in the morning and take a nap after lunch. Night is coming and it will be cool enough then to sit for a while on the porch and enjoy the cacophony of insect song

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